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The Circle Series: Access Circle

Join Our First Signalise Circle on Accessible Healthcare

Signalise • Sep 2, 2024 • 4 min read

Signed Version Here

We’re thrilled to invite everyone from the North West who is passionate about improving access to health appointments for the Deaf community to our first 2024 Circle Event. This gathering is the first of three upcoming Signalise Circle Meetings this year and marks the beginning of what we hope will be a regular series of events. Whether you’re a Deaf user, Communication Professional, local investor, or simply someone interested in making a difference, we’d love to see you there. It’s time we all connect as a co-op!

What’s on the Agenda?

Our first session will focus on the NHS Accessible Information Standard (AIS) and Deaf User Resources Pack. This standard ensures better accessibility for a wide range of people, including Deaf individuals, who are entitled to receive information in formats that meet their needs. Despite its importance, we know that these rights aren’t always upheld, and that’s where our discussion begins.

Quote from See Hear episode: We could Breathe again

See Hear

Recent coverage by the BBC’s See Hear programme has drawn attention to the challenges Deaf people face when accessing healthcare. The recent episode revealed significant failures in how the NHS meets the needs of Deaf patients. At the 8-minute 30-second mark, a compelling story from a member of our community highlights the barriers her Deaf father faced. There is mention of a co-operative (that’s us!), which provided the family with a “much smoother” experience through consistent, high-quality, and reliable service. We are committed to ensuring that everyone receives this level of care and will continue to showcase our work to drive this standard forward!

See Hear - Series 43: 21. Medical Access Crisis - Signed

Why It Matters

At Signalise, we’re proud of the ground-breaking work we do to improve access for the Deaf community. As the UK’s only co-operative delivering sign language services, we’re committed to ensuring that Deaf people can access healthcare without unnecessary barriers. Our services don’t just improve communication; they also provide financial value to NHS Trusts by streamlining the provision of interpreters and reducing miscommunication risks.

This event will offer a platform for Deaf users, Communications Professionals, and others involved in the Deaf community to share their experiences and work together on practical solutions. We want to hear from you—what’s working, what isn’t, and how we can collectively make our co-operative more effective.

Event Details

  • Date: 23 September 2024
  • Time: 10am - 1pm
  • Location: Liverpool Central Library
  • Room: Meeting Room 2

Join us as we kick off this important series of discussions. Together, we can create a more accessible future for the Deaf community in healthcare. We can’t wait to see you there!

How to Sign Up

Comment with a thumbs up 👍 if you're in or a thumbs down 👎 if you can't make it. See details on Facebook!

Message Olive via text or BSL video on 07512 002143.